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Paraguay cotton output hit by drought Paraguay’s cotton output has declined by nearly 70 percent over the past few months, owing to lack of rainfall, the National Farmers Federation has said. Federation member Marcial Gomez said the harvest season is already going on, and by now they have already registered a loss of around 60 to 70 percent in cotton output. Following scare rains during the peak cultivation period, the average cotton output for the current season has been recorded at around 300 kg to 400 kg per hectare, as against the domestic cotton cultivators’ earlier prediction of 1800 kg per hectare, he said. According to the estimates of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cattle Raising, cotton was cultivated on around 70,000 hectares in the country during the current season, which is almost 40 percent higher than last season’s cultivation acreage. Mr. Gomez also lamented about low market prices of cotton and called upon the Government to introduce steps to stop them from plummeting further. 在过去的几个月里,巴拉圭的棉花产量下降了将近70%,由于缺少降雨,国家农民联合会说道。 联合会成员Marcial Gomez说道,正值丰收季节,而现在他们已经记录了在棉花产量上损失大约60%-70%。 骇人的雨过后,在繁忙的种植季,当季平均棉产量达300kg-400kg/公顷,相对于国内棉农的早期预测,每公顷1800kg,他说。 根据农业和养牛部的估计,当季,在该国种植棉花约70,000公顷,比上一季的种植面积高出了近40%。 Mr. Gomez也感叹对低廉的市场棉花价格,并呼吁政府推行举措阻止其进一步下滑。 来源:Fibre2fashion 全球纺织网&网上轻纺城 Sylvia 翻译
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